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  • How to Leverage the Potential of Social Media for Testimonials

    By Jenna Dreikorn In the busy world of social media marketing, customer testimonials play a pivotal role in shaping brand perception and fostering trust. As the first impression your organization presents to your audience, the interactive nature of social platforms provides an ideal space to amplify the impact of testimonials. But how can you actually make this happen? Read on to explore the untapped potential of social media as a catalyst for showcasing authentic customer experiences — and reap the benefits. The Importance of Trust and Credibility in Digital Marketing With consumers facing an abundance of choices across the social media landscape, building a foundation of trust and credibility is vital for your company’s success if you want to stand out in a crowded market. Today’s customers are savvy and discerning — they seek assurance that the brands they choose are ethical, reliable, and can deliver on their promises. In this context, trust serves as the cornerstone of a successful digital marketing strategy. A brand that is perceived as trustworthy not only attracts more customers, but also fosters long-term relationships and loyalty. Consumers are more likely to engage with and remain loyal to a brand they trust, making this a key factor in achieving sustainable success. Enhancing Credibility Through Social Proof According to a study by 99Firms, 85% of individuals who leave reviews are motivated to do so with the intention of aiding both fellow consumers as well as the businesses. By leveraging this metric, you can see how social media platforms are powerful tools for amplifying your brand’s credibility through social proof. Try regularly featuring customer testimonials on your social channels, utilizing the platform’s algorithms to increase visibility. Encourage customers to use hashtags or location tags when sharing their testimonials, expanding the reach and impact of their experiences. In addition to featuring testimonials on your own channels, consider reposting user-generated content that showcases positive customer experiences. When customers share their testimonials on their profile, their networks become exposed to your brand’s credibility — this not only extends the reach of your testimonials, but also creates a community-driven atmosphere where customers feel valued and acknowledged. Crafting a Seamless Testimonial Strategy on Social Media Before diving into the world of testimonials, consider these strategies to ensure an interactive and seamless process. Encourage active participation and prompt followers to engage with your brand by following the strategies below. 1. Promote Tagging Implementing a successful strategy involves active engagement, so ask your followers to tag your brand in their posts while sharing testimonials. This not only increases the visibility of the testimonials but also makes it easier for you to track and collect the valuable insights. Consider launching UGC campaigns that specifically invite customers to submit testimonials. Offer incentives such as exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or the chance to be featured on social channels. This turns the process into a mutually beneficial exchange while motivating customers to share their experiences. Send random acts of kindness — like free products, schwag, or promo codes — to highly-engaged customers and thank them publicly as you share their content. 2. Simplified Sharing Process To truly make the testimonial-sharing process seamless, prioritize simplicity and ensure that customers can share their testimonials in just a few clicks. Direct them to user-friendly submission forms on your website or provide clear instructions on how to share their experiences on social media. Leverage the distinct features of social media platforms to make the process enjoyable for your followers: Use polls to gather quick feedback, quizzes to add an element of fun, or interactive stories to create a more memorable experience. By incorporating these features, you simplify the process and turn it into an engaging activity for your audience. 3. Encourage Visual Testimonials Visual testimonials have the potential to add a captivating layer to your brand narrative. Guide customers on sharing visually-compelling stories, whether through unboxing moments, product demonstrations, or resulting experiences. Establish a branded hashtag exclusive to your visual testimonials, cultivating a community around shared imagery and streamlining the act of discovery and engagement. Through the uniquely human touch, authentic reactions become a potent tool for building emotionally-resonant connections with your audience that foster trust and engagement across your social media platforms. Trust and credibility are paramount in the ever-evolving social media marketing landscape, where authenticity is demanded by savvy consumers. With a focus on active engagement, simplified sharing, and captivating visual testimonials, we’re here to guide your brand’s journey and craft a personalized strategic plan for success. We can’t wait to work with you! And speaking of testimonials, take a look at our own stellar client reviews on Clutch! Community Manager Jenna Dreikorn is passionate about all facets of marketing from automation tools to effective social media strategies, and she leverages her expertise to create engaging and innovative campaigns for WF clients. Beyond the marketing realm, she finds balance by teaching yoga classes every weekend and enjoying paddle boarding excursions.

  • Beyond Likes and Shares: Building Better Customer Relationships Through Social Listening

    By Kelsey Weaver As social media platforms have become an integral component to overall marketing strategies, the pursuit of customer engagement has evolved far beyond simply accumulating likes and shares. The key to building stronger and more meaningful relationships with your customers lies in an often-overlooked practice: social listening. Understanding Social Listening Social listening involves monitoring online conversations and discussions about your brand, industry, or relevant keywords. It goes past tracking vanity metrics and delves into the valuable insights hidden within the chatter of social media users. Here's why it matters: 1. Customer-Centric Insights Social listening is like having a direct line into your audience's thoughts and opinions. By paying attention to what they're saying, you can gain a deep understanding of their needs, pain points, and preferences. This invaluable information can inform product development, content creation, and overall marketing strategies. 2. Real-Time Problem Resolution When customers encounter issues or have questions, they often turn to social media for answers. By actively listening and promptly responding, you can de-escalate and resolve problems in real-time — showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction while building trust and loyalty. 3. Competitive Intelligence Social listening isn't limited to your brand alone — you can also monitor what's being said about your competitors. This helps you identify gaps in the market, refine your offerings, and stay steps ahead in your industry. 4. Personalized Engagement Customers appreciate when brands understand their individual needs. With social listening, you can tailor your interactions, content, and offerings to better suit your audience — thus enhancing the personalization of your marketing efforts. 5. Identifying Brand Advocates Social listening helps you identify and engage with your most passionate customers, who then become powerful brand advocates. Nurture these relationships and they can help you amplify your message. Real-Life Example: Starbucks The global coffeehouse chain Starbucks is no stranger to social media. With millions of customers and a strong online presence, they've recognized the importance of social listening in enhancing their customer relationships. Identifying Customer Trends: Through social listening tools, Starbucks noticed a growing trend in customer discussions about sustainability and ethical sourcing. People were increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their coffee choices. Launching Initiatives: In response to these insights, Starbucks made several strategic moves. They committed to sustainable sourcing practices, introduced reusable cups, and set ambitious recycling goals. These initiatives aligned with their customers' values and concerns. Engaging with the Community: Starbucks actively engaged with their online community. They responded to tweets, comments, and messages related to sustainability and provided updates on their progress. This two-way communication demonstrated their commitment to transparency and accountability. Measuring Impact: Starbucks didn't stop at implementing changes — they continued to monitor social media sentiment and customer feedback. Over time, they observed a positive shift in how customers perceived their brand. They are now seen as an environmentally responsible company that cares about its customers' values. By listening to their stakeholders and taking meaningful action, Starbucks not only improved their brand image but also built stronger relationships with their customers who appreciated that their favorite coffee brand was responsive to their concerns and shared their values. This real-life example showcases the tangible benefits of social listening in action. Putting It All Together Now that you understand the importance of social listening, it's time to make it happen. Start by selecting a reputable social listening tool like Sprout Social, Hubspot, or Hootsuite to help you monitor mentions, track trends, and analyze sentiment. Remember, social listening isn't a one-time endeavor — it's an ongoing commitment to understanding and engaging with your audience. By actively participating in online conversations, addressing concerns, and adapting your strategies based on insights, you'll build stronger and more authentic relationships with your customers. Ready to Dive In? At, we provide real-time monitoring to support our clients’ internal marketing teams by providing efficient customer service, sourcing user-generated content, and forwarding community feedback. By actively listening to social communities, we’ve been able to direct users to appropriate products and resources while generating buzz for upcoming events — all of which equates to real ROI for our customers. If you're ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level and harness the power of social listening, consider partnering with our team of experienced social media pros. We're here to manage the process and monitor your socials, help you connect with your audience on a deeper level, and drive business growth. Don't wait — start listening and build better customer relationships today with the support of our real-time social media agency. Kelsey Weaver is a creative community manager who takes pride in her expertise when crafting engaging and visually appealing content. With more than five years of experience in the industry and an unmatched desire to help clients succeed, she’s a powerful part of our national team.

  • How to Unlock the Power of User-Generated Content on Social Media

    By Kelsey Weaver Imagine this: You’ve built a community of raving fans who can’t wait to share how much they love your products. They snap pictures, shoot videos, and even write heartfelt testimonials that all sing the praises of your brand. Sounds like a dream, right? That's the power of user-generated content. If you're responsible for elevating your brand's online presence, you know that social media has become an indispensable tool to connect with your audience. As one of the many strategies at your disposal, user-generated content (UGC) stands out as a powerful way to foster engagement, build brand loyalty, and drive growth — and sales! Read on as we dive headfirst into the world of UGC and share all that you need to know to capitalize on this wave. Understanding User-Generated Content (UGC) User-generated content is any form of brand-specific content created and shared by consumers, fans, or followers of a brand on social media or other channels. This can include images, videos, reviews, testimonials, blog posts, and even podcasts. UGC stands in contrast to branded content, as its authenticity gives brands a compelling consumer perspective and provides social proof. Traditionally, UGC was created without any direct involvement from the brand. However, UGC today can come from a creator who is paid by brands to create content that appears to be organic but is actually designed to showcase a specific product, service, or feature. The Benefits of User-Generated Content Builds Trust and Credibility: UGC serves as social proof of a brand's authenticity and quality. When potential customers see real people advocating for a product or service, it instills trust and credibility — making them more likely to purchase. Increases Engagement: Encouraging users to create and share content not only increases engagement rates but also extends the reach of your brand. UGC generates conversations and discussions, driving meaningful interactions with the audience. Cost-Effective Marketing: Leveraging UGC reduces the need for costly ad campaigns. Instead, satisfied customers become brand advocates and contribute to the growth of the business through their organic content. Increases Conversion Rates: Utilizing UGC content in paid ad campaigns can significantly increase ad conversion rates. The authentic endorsement of real customers in ad content can evoke trust and compel potential customers to make a purchase. Sparks Creativity: UGC often showcases unique perspectives and innovative uses of products, inspiring others and fostering a sense of community around the brand. Encouraging UGC Creation Establish Clear Guidelines: Provide your audience with guidelines on what type of content is suitable for sharing. This can include preferred hashtags, themes, or specific products to feature. Run Contests and Giveaways: Organize social media contests and giveaways that encourage users to participate by sharing content related to your brand. This strategy not only boosts engagement but also generates an ongoing stream of UGC. Showcase UGC on Your Platforms: Acknowledge and celebrate user-generated content by featuring it on your official social media accounts, website, or newsletters. This recognition will further motivate your audience to create and share content. Here’s an example we love: Incentives for UGC: Offer incentives or rewards to users whose content is selected or reposted by your brand. This incentive can range from a simple shout-out to exclusive discounts or products. Hire UGC Creators: Collaborate with skilled UGC creators to produce sponsored content that mirrors authentic UGC. Creators have the expertise to craft content that seamlessly showcases your brand or product, helping you harness the power of this content in a professionally curated way. (Tip: Find creators on platforms like Brands Meet Creators and Contra, or even directly on TikTok and Instagram!) A Real-Life Example: Our Client’s Success with UGC We recently worked with Sunburst Shutters — a leading provider of exquisite window treatments — to unlock the potential of UGC on their social media platforms. By implementing user-generated content from both small creators and well-known interior designers across their channels, we generated the following results: Reach Amplified: A collaborative post with a well-known designer led to a tremendous increase in reach (nearly 100 times the average), allowing Sunburst’s content to be seen by a wider audience and attracting new followers. Engagement Soared: Content from other designers contributed to a 74% increase in social media engagement compared to branded content. User-generated content has emerged as a game-changer for brands looking to establish authentic connections with their audience. By leveraging the power of UGC, businesses can drive engagement, foster brand loyalty, and amplify their reach. Encouraging and showcasing UGC on social media creates a win-win situation where customers feel valued and brands reap the benefits of organic and cost-effective marketing. So, go ahead and unlock the potential of UGC on your brand’s social media success. And if you need a hand, get in touch with us — whether it’s pure customer content or paid influencer marketing, we’ll craft a personalized strategic plan that’s sure to take your company’s online presence to the next level. Kelsey Weaver is a creative community manager who takes pride in her expertise when crafting engaging and visually appealing content. With over five years of experience in the industry and an unmatched desire to help clients succeed, she’s a powerful part of our national team.

  • Five Denver-Area Concert Venues That You May Not Have Heard Of

    By Zach Yanowitz Denver is a city that contains multitudes. From access to the great outdoors to our thriving beer scene and cultural landmarks, you can truly find something for everyone here. As a major hub in the western U.S., that means we’re also a place that tons of touring musicians stop through on their way to or from California — and with that gorgeous I-70 drive through the mountains, who can blame them? The image of Red Rocks Amphitheater likely comes to mind when you think of Denver-area concert venues, and for good reason. It’s one of the most spectacular places to see live music on earth! However, the Mile High City is chock full of lesser-known locales to catch some live entertainment, from grimy little dive bars to shiny new concert halls. Read on to learn about some spots you may not have checked out yet! Summit Music Hall Located at 1902 Blake Street in LoDo just a block from Union Station, Summit Music Hall is owned by the same folks who run the Marquis Theater. This 12,500 sq-ft venue has a capacity of around 1,100 and regularly sells out for punk, metal, and hip-hop acts that cater to the younger set (but not exclusively so). Upcoming shows include world-famous meme rapper Soulja Boy, legendary Japanese noise band Boris, and — my personal highlight — iconic Massachusetts third-wave emo band The Hotelier. Grab a slice of ‘zza from the in-house pizzeria and get ready to mosh! Lost Lake Lounge This stretch of East Colfax is best known for the historic Bluebird Theater — in fact, another name for the neighborhood is “The Bluebird Historic District” — but you'll find Lost Lake Lounge just down the road. This tiny little dive is one of the city's best-kept secrets, hosting up-and-coming indie, folk, and punk performers both local and national. It can get a little cramped inside, but that's part of the fun — not to mention that the front wall of the venue slides up to create an open-air space on especially hot summer nights. Bands soon visiting include Portland's experimental metal duo The Body (the loudest band I have ever seen), musical comedian Whitmer Thomas, and rising indie stars Flamingos in the Tree. Mission Ballroom Located just across the railroad tracks in RINO, Mission Ballroom is a state-of-the-art 4,000-capacity venue that opened in 2019. Although it doesn't have the historic appeal of The Fillmore or The Ogden, you can tell that the people who built the Mission knew exactly what they were doing. From the well-designed layout to the incredible acoustics and booking agents, this is becoming one of the must-attend spots in the city. Upcoming shows include the much-anticipated Death Cab For Cutie/Postal Service reunion tour, the newly-reunited bluegrass supergroup Nickel Creek, and a three-night stand from EDM superstar Pretty Lights. Protip: If you're hungry before the show, the food hall at Zeppelin Station is a short walk away! Denver Botanic Gardens You probably already know about the Denver Botanic Gardens — and if you don’t, you need to visit and walk around before the season ends! The DBG is one of the city’s true highlights, full of gorgeous blooming flora and manicured lawns (especially in the warmer months). But did you know that they actually host a summer night concert series? Neko Case, Mark Cohn, Rising Appalachia, Santigold, and Esperanza Spalding have already played — but you've still got time to see Fitz and the Tantrums, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Andy Grammer, Steep Canyon Rangers, Ozomatli, and more! The Mishawaka This one is technically cheating location-wise, but I couldn't write an article about my favorite Colorado concert venues without shouting out The Mish. Located about an hour and 45 minutes north of Denver in the Poudre Canyon west of Fort Collins, the Mishawaka Amphitheatre is (in my humble opinion) the only venue in the state that can hold a candle to Red Rocks. It's right up against the river with canyon walls soaring on all sides, providing a truly special experience for concertgoers. If you want to take a break away from the music, you can dip your toes in the river or grab some food at their full-service on-site restaurant. I actually attended a wedding here once and during the ceremony a bunch of whitewater rafters floated by and cheered, which I thought was very cute. Upcoming shows include indie icons Guster, electro-funkers Chromeo, and bluegrass stars The Infamous Stringdusters. Five lesser-known Denver concert venues feels like a lot, but I didn’t even mention Fiddler's Green, the Gothic, the Oriental, the Black Box, Your Mom's House, the venue inside Meow Wolf, Black Buzzard.... we could keep going! We absolutely love living and working in Denver (and beyond) — and if you want to partner with a group of social media pros who get as deeply invested in their clients as they do in their recreational activities, get in touch with us ASAP. Managing Editor Zach doesn’t go to as many shows as he did when he was a music writer in New Orleans, but he still does okay. The best concert he’s ever been to was LCD Soundsystem at Red Rocks in the pouring rain.

  • 100+ Social Media Holidays to Add to Your Content Calendar

    In the fast-paced realm of social media, capturing your audience's attention is a must. While major holidays and observances hold their significance, infusing your content calendar with pop culture phenomena, national celebrations, and playful occasions can inject a burst of excitement and relevance into your social media strategy. We've curated an engaging collection of noteworthy dates to ensure you have an abundance of captivating content ideas at your fingertips. So, let’s dive in and explore the highlights of each month! SURPRISE 🎉 We also have a *freebie* for you! Scroll to the bottom of this post to download our Social Media Holidays Calendar, which includes the days mentioned in this post and much more! Table of Contents July 2023 → August 2023 → September 2023 → October 2023 → November 2023 → December 2023 → January 2024 → February 2024 → March 2024 → April 2024 → May 2024 → June 2024 → July Independence Day (July 4): Celebrate America's independence with patriotic content, fireworks displays, historical facts, or organize a virtual 4th of July party for your followers. International Kissing Day (July 6): Celebrate love and affection on International Kissing Day. Share heartwarming stories and encourage your audience to express their love through a simple kiss. National Clean Beauty Day (July 15): Share information about clean beauty brands, tips for incorporating clean beauty, and promote eco-friendly beauty options. National Ice Cream Day (Third Sunday in July): Delight your audience with mouthwatering ice cream content, collaborate with local ice cream shops, or organize a virtual ice cream tasting event. Comic Con International: Tap into the excitement of one of the largest pop culture conventions by sharing news, trailers, and exclusive content related to movies, TV shows, and comics. National Hammock Day (July 22): Encourage relaxation and self-care by sharing cozy hammock setups, tips for unwinding, or organizing a virtual hammock photo contest. International Day of Friendship (July 30): Celebrate the power of friendship by sharing heartwarming stories, organizing virtual hangouts, or partnering with organizations that promote inclusivity and connection. National Watermelon Day (August 3): Embrace the summer vibes with refreshing watermelon-themed content and recipes, or collaborate with local farmers' markets. Olympic Games: Join the global excitement around the Olympic Games by giving updates, sharing highlights, and supporting athletes from your country. August Black Business Month: Support and celebrate Black-owned businesses in August. Highlight success stories, promote products/services, and encourage your audience to shop from Black entrepreneurs. National Book Lovers Day (August 9): Celebrate the joy of reading by sharing book recommendations, hosting virtual book clubs, or collaborating with authors and publishers. World Photography Day (August 19): Showcase the art of photography by sharing stunning visuals, featuring talented photographers, or organizing a photo contest for your audience. Women's Equality Day (August 26): Promote gender equality by sharing inspiring stories of women's achievements, hosting discussions, or supporting women-led initiatives. National Beach Day (August 30): Embrace the summer spirit with beach-themed content, sharing beach hacks, or organizing a virtual beach party for your followers. MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs): Engage music and pop culture enthusiasts with content related to the VMAs including nominee predictions, red carpet fashion discussions, and live updates during the event. International Bacon Day (Saturday before Labor Day): Indulge your audience's love for bacon with mouthwatering content, recipes, or collaborations with local restaurants or brands. September National Hispanic Heritage Month: Celebrate Hispanic culture and contributions. Share stories, showcase influential figures, support Hispanic-owned businesses, and make a plan to keep the celebration going through the year. Labor Day (First Monday in September): Acknowledge the contributions of workers by sharing messages of appreciation, offering exclusive discounts, or organizing virtual team-building activities. National Video Games Day (September 12): Engage gamers by sharing game reviews, hosting live gaming sessions, or partnering with gaming influencers for collaborations. International Day of Peace (September 21): Spread messages of peace and unity by sharing inspiring quotes, promoting acts of kindness, or collaborating with peace organizations to raise awareness. Fashion Week: Follow and share the latest trends, behind-the-scenes moments, and runway highlights from popular fashion weeks around the world. World Tourism Day (September 27): Inspire wanderlust by sharing travel tips and breathtaking travel destinations. Feature stunning travel photography, showcase travel stories, or partner with travel influencers to provide insider tips and recommendations. International Podcast Day (September 30): Share your favorite podcasts, highlight creators, and engage with your audience through podcast-related discussions. October Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Dedicate the month to raising awareness about breast cancer, sharing stories of survivors, and promoting early detection and support initiatives. International Coffee Day (October 1): Energize your audience with coffee-themed content, collaborate with local coffee shops, or organize a virtual coffee tasting event. Eric’s birthday (October 4): Celebrate our own beloved CEO by sending food recommendations or whole pies to our HQ. (Eric may or may not have written this entry.) World Mental Health Day (October 10): Encourage mental health conversations by sharing resources, tips for self-care, or partnerships with mental health organizations to provide support. World Food Day (October 16): Highlight global cuisine by sharing recipes from different cultures, promoting sustainable food practices, or collaborating with food-related influencers. Oktoberfest: Tap into the festivities of this world-renowned German beer celebration by sharing brew recommendations, hosting virtual tasting sessions, or featuring traditional Bavarian recipes. National Boss's Day (October 16): Recognize and appreciate leaders by sharing inspiring stories, offering leadership tips, or hosting virtual appreciation events. Halloween (October 31): Embrace the spooky season with Halloween-themed content, costume ideas, horror movie recommendations, or organize a virtual costume contest. November Men's Health Awareness Month: Spark conversations about men's health issues. Share information about men's health topics, promote regular check-ups, and support organizations dedicated to improving men's well-being. Veterans Day (November 11): Honor veterans and active-duty military personnel by sharing messages of gratitude, historical facts, or supporting veteran-focused initiatives. World Kindness Day (November 13): Inspire acts of kindness by sharing heartwarming stories, encouraging your audience to perform random acts of kindness, or collaborating with charitable organizations. National Cake Day (November 26): Indulge your audience's sweet tooth by sharing delectable cake recipes, collaborating with local bakeries, or hosting a virtual cake decorating contest. Friendsgiving: Encourage your audience to celebrate friendship and gratitude by sharing Friendsgiving recipes, hosting virtual gatherings, or organizing a Friendsgiving-themed giveaway. Thanksgiving (Fourth Thursday in November): Celebrate the spirit of gratitude and togetherness on Thanksgiving. Share recipes, host gratitude challenges, or engage your audience in discussions about what they are thankful for. Black Friday (Friday after Thanksgiving): Capitalize on the holiday shopping frenzy by sharing exclusive deals, offering discounts with partners, organizing virtual shopping events, or encouraging your followers to skip it all and spend the day with family. Small Business Saturday (Saturday after Thanksgiving): Encourage your audience to shop locally, share their favorite small businesses, and offer exclusive deals or collaborations with local entrepreneurs. Cyber Monday (Monday after Thanksgiving): Share exclusive discounts, highlight popular products, and create a sense of urgency for your audience to take advantage of limited-time offers. Giving Tuesday (First Tuesday after Thanksgiving): Encourage generosity and giving back. Promote charitable causes, partner with nonprofits, and inspire your audience to make a positive impact by donating their time, resources, or funds. December World AIDS Day (December 1): Raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, share educational resources, or collaborate with organizations dedicated to supporting those affected by the disease. Hanukkah (Beginning on the 25th of Kislev): Embrace the Festival of Lights by sharing traditions, recipes, or partnering with Jewish organizations to promote Hanukkah events. National Cookie Day (December 4): Treat your audience to delicious cookie content, showcase various cookie recipes, or partner with local bakeries for promotions. Human Rights Day (December 10): Advocate for human rights by sharing stories of activism, promoting equality, or collaborating with organizations dedicated to protecting human rights. National Hot Cocoa Day (December 13): Warm up your audience with indulgent hot cocoa recipes, showcase unique flavors, or partner with local cafes for exclusive promotions. Winter Solstice (December 21): Embrace the arrival of winter by sharing cozy content, suggesting winter recipes, or organizing virtual winter-themed activities for your followers. Ugly Sweater Day (Third Friday in December): Join the fun and festive spirit by encouraging your audience to share their best ugly sweater photos, hosting virtual ugly sweater contests, or collaborating with clothing brands for holiday promotions. Christmas (December 25): Celebrate the joy of Christmas with your audience. Share warm holiday wishes, festive decorations, and happy moments. Encourage acts of kindness and generosity while spreading holiday cheer. Kwanzaa (December 26-January 1): Celebrate the rich heritage of the African diaspora during the seven days of Kwanzaa. Embrace the vibrant traditions, symbols, and rituals while uplifting the Black community and promoting cultural pride. New Year's Eve (December 31): Bid farewell to the year with celebratory content, reflections, goal-setting discussions, or a virtual New Year's Eve party for your followers. January New Year's Day (January 1): The perfect time to reflect on the past year, set goals, and inspire your audience with motivational content. Golden Globe Awards: A key event in the entertainment industry and a chance to engage your audience by sharing red carpet looks, predictions, and live updates during the ceremony. National Trivia Day (January 4): Spark engagement with trivia quizzes that challenge your followers' knowledge about pop culture, or create fun polls related to interesting facts. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Third Monday in January): Commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by sharing inspiring quotes, historical information, or promoting social justice initiatives. Sundance Film Festival: Celebrate the world of independent cinema by sharing trailers, reviews, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the festival's highlights. Opposite Day (January 25): Embrace the whimsy of Opposite Day, where everything is turned upside-down. Encourage your audience to have fun with role reversals, share playful pranks, or post content that challenges conventional norms. Fun at Work Day (January 26): Inspire positivity and teamwork by sharing fun workplace stories, behind-the-scenes moments, or organizing virtual team-building activities. Grammy Awards: Engage music enthusiasts with content related to the prestigious Grammy Awards, including nominee predictions, red carpet fashion discussions, and live updates during the ceremony. February Black History Month: Dedicate the month to celebrating African-American achievements, sharing impactful stories, and promoting diversity and inclusion. And then continue that effort all year long. Super Bowl Sunday: Engage sports fans and create content related to the big game by sharing highlights, predictions, and tasty recipes. National Pizza Day (February 9): Indulge your audience's cravings with pizza-related content, promotions, or partnerships with local pizzerias. Galentine's Day (February 13): Celebrate love and friendship among women by sharing empowering messages, highlighting strong female role models, or organizing virtual events where women can come together to support and uplift one another. Valentine's Day (February 14): Create heartfelt content, share romantic stories, suggest gift ideas, or organize love-themed contests to celebrate this special day. Chinese New Year: Embrace the festivities surrounding the Lunar New Year by sharing traditional customs, zodiac predictions, and cultural insights. Use authoritative curated content to ensure you’re being culturally sensitive. Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17): Inspire your audience to spread positivity by sharing personal anecdotes, encouraging them to perform random acts of kindness, and organizing virtual charity drives. Academy Awards (Oscars): Join the conversation around the most prestigious film awards by sharing nominee predictions, red carpet fashion discussions, and live updates during the ceremony. March Women's History Month: Dedicate March to celebrating and honoring women's contributions throughout history. Share inspiring stories, highlight influential women, and promote gender equality and empowerment. National Day of Unplugging (First Friday in March): Take a break from technology and embrace the present moment. Encourage your audience to disconnect, engage in screen-free experiences, and enjoy quality time with loved ones. International Women's Day (March 8): Celebrate the achievements of women and promote gender equality by sharing inspiring stories, hosting discussions, or collaborating with women-led organizations. Daylight Saving Time Begins: Remind your audience to adjust their clocks and offer tips on how to make the most of longer days. Ramadan (Starts March 11): Join the global observance of Ramadan and show support for the Muslim community during this month of fasting, prayer, and reflection by sharing messages of respect, understanding, and inclusivity. Pi Day (March 14): Engage the math and science enthusiasts in your audience by sharing fun facts, math puzzles, or hosting a Pi Day trivia contest. Alternatively, go wink-wink with it and lean into the dessert aspect of the holiday! St. Patrick's Day (March 17): Go green and celebrate Irish culture by sharing historical facts, traditional recipes, or even organizing virtual St. Patrick's Day-themed contests. World Sleep Day (Second Friday in March): Share tips for better sleep, relaxation techniques, or partner with sleep-related brands to offer exclusive promotions. Astrology Day (March 20): Explore the captivating world of astrology on this celestial day. Share horoscope readings and zodiac memes, or sip on flavors that capture your celestial essence! International Day of Happiness (March 20): Inspire positivity and well-being by sharing uplifting quotes, happiness tips, or organizing a gratitude challenge for your followers. NCAA March Madness: Tap into the excitement of college basketball's biggest tournament by sharing bracket predictions, game highlights, and fan discussions. National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day (March 29): Celebrate local businesses and their impact on communities. Support (and tag!) small shops and services, and encourage your audience to shop small. Easter (First Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon): Celebrate the joy of Easter by sharing messages of hope and renewal or by hosting a virtual Easter egg hunt for your audience to win a special prize! April Move More Month: Promote an active lifestyle and encourage your audience to incorporate more movement into their routines. Share fitness tips and motivation for staying active and healthy. April Fools' Day (April 1): Unleash your creativity with humorous and lighthearted content and pranks, or engage your audience with clever challenges. World Health Day (April 7): Promote health and wellness by sharing tips and resources or collaborating with health-related brands or influencers. National Siblings Day (April 10): Celebrate the bond between siblings by encouraging your audience to share stories or photos, or organize sibling-themed giveaways. Tax Day (April 15): Help your audience navigate tax season and make the most of their refunds. Provide tips for small businesses on maximizing deductions and managing finances. Encourage using tax refunds to support local businesses or charities. Earth Day (April 22): Raise awareness about environmental issues, share eco-friendly tips, or organize a virtual clean-up challenge to inspire your audience to take action. Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival: Engage music and festival enthusiasts with content related to one of the world's most popular music festivals including artist spotlights, fashion inspiration, and live updates. National Superhero Day (April 28): Pay homage to beloved superheroes by sharing trivia, hosting debates on favorite characters, or partnering with comic book stores. National Arbor Day (Last Friday in April): Promote environmental awareness by sharing the importance of trees, organizing tree-planting initiatives, or collaborating with environmental organizations. May Mental Health Awareness Month: Dedicate the month to raising awareness about mental health, sharing resources, and providing support to your audience. Star Wars Day (May 4): May the Fourth be with you! Share Star Wars trivia, fan art, or organize a virtual Star Wars-themed costume contest. Cinco de Mayo (May 5): Celebrate Mexican culture and history by sharing traditional recipes, music recommendations, or collaborating with local nonprofits and community organizations. Met Gala (First Monday in May): Share your favorite red carpet moments and draw inspiration from the breathtaking creativity on display — and maybe even meme it 👀 National Teacher Appreciation Day (First Tuesday in May): Show gratitude to educators by sharing stories, offering exclusive discounts for teachers, or organizing a virtual thank-you campaign. International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (May 17): Stand against discrimination and promote inclusivity on this important day. Share educational content, inspiring stories, and messages of support for the LGBTQ+ community. Mother's Day (Second Sunday in May): Celebrate mothers and maternal figures with heartwarming content, gift ideas, or stories of remarkable moms. World Bee Day (May 20): Raise awareness about the environmental importance of bees by sharing facts, offering tips on creating bee-friendly spaces, or partnering with bee conservation organizations. National Wine Day (May 25): Cheers to wine enthusiasts by sharing wine pairings, hosting virtual wine tastings, or partnering with local wineries for exclusive promotions. Memorial Day (May 27): Honor the brave. Reflect, unite, and show support for our armed forces. Whatever you do, don’t use this day to promote barbecuing and holiday sales. June Pride Month: Embrace and support the LGBTQ+ community by sharing stories, listing resources, and promoting inclusivity throughout the month, then commit to continued support throughout the year National Cheese Day (June 4): Indulge in the deliciousness of National Cheese Day. If you want to do a really gouda job on social media, celebrate this savory occasion by sharing mouthwatering cheese recipes, pairing suggestions, and fun cheese facts. We brie-lieve this might be our very favorite holiday! National Best Friends Day (June 8): Celebrate the bonds of friendship by encouraging your audience to share their best friend stories, organizing virtual hangouts, or hosting a friendship-themed giveaway. Juneteenth (June 19): Commemorate the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans by sharing historical information, promoting Black-owned businesses, or participating in community events. World Music Day (June 21): Share your love for music by creating playlists, highlighting local artists, or encouraging your audience to name their favorite songs and concert memories. Father's Day (Third Sunday in June): Honor fathers and father figures with heartfelt content, gift ideas, or stories of extraordinary dads. National Selfie Day (June 21): Encourage your audience to embrace their selfie game by sharing tips for the perfect selfie, hosting a selfie contest, or showcasing user-generated selfie content. International Yoga Day (June 21): Promote health and wellness by sharing yoga poses, suggesting mindfulness techniques, or organizing virtual yoga sessions for your followers. Social Media Day (June 30): Celebrate the power of social media! Share your favorite moments, tips, and reflections. And don’t forget to thank the social media team for their hard work in building an engaging online presence *hint hint* 😉 Incorporating these significant pop culture moments, national holidays, and fun-filled days into your content calendar is like throwing a handful of confetti on your social media strategy — it’s attention-getting, playful, and a whole lot of fun! Now, here’s what you’ve been waiting for: Download our FREE Social Media Holidays Calendar now and get started creating engaging and fun content all year long! And when you’re done celebrating and need help honing your social media strategy to drive revenue and hit KPIs, get in touch with for a discovery call. We can’t wait to learn more about your organization so we can help you thrive!

  • The Team’s Summer Reading List

    By Kelsey Weaver Ah, summer — the perfect time to unwind, bask in the sun, and lose yourself in the pages of a good book. While our team is known for their marketing expertise and creativity on social media, it’s not surprising that this group of strategic storytellers has a passion for the written word in their free time as well. Thus, we’ve compiled personal book recommendations to give you a summer reading list that promises to inspire, entertain, and broaden horizons. For Fantasy Fanatics: Our brilliant Managing Editor Zach is excited to dive into The Obelisk Gate, book two in N.K. Jemisin's Hugo Award-winning Broken Earth Trilogy. This post-apocalyptic fantasy epic delves into big themes including climate change and parenthood, and Zach appreciates how Jemisin weaves a captivating narrative while tackling important social issues. As a fellow Tulane alum, he takes pride in seeing the success of a talented writer from his alma mater. For Mystery Marvelors: As a busy team member juggling both kids and coworkers, Operations Director Katie seeks paranormal mystery novels for her reading pleasure. She is currently reading Pie Hard — part of Kirsten Weiss's extensive series of cozy mysteries — in which a murder shakes Pie Town and a struggling baker follows the trail of crumbs to uncover the killer and secure her dreams. For Self-Help Seekers: Our in-house free-spirit and Director of Strategy Amanda is devouring Women Who Run With the Wolves, a collection of potent myths and stories that are both easy to read and deeply applicable to all areas of a woman's life. These short stories touch on empowerment, motherhood, and various aspects of womanhood — Amanda appreciates the meditative and thought-provoking nature of this book and how it provides a refreshing break from surface-level fiction novels. For High Fantasy Fans: Community Manager Alyssa — who admittedly *only* chooses books by their covers (#redflag 🚩) — is picking up The Shadow of What Was Lost for her summer reading in the sun. This thick high fantasy novel caught her attention with its intriguing cover and promises of memory loss, a hero's destiny, war, secrets, and magic. In its pages, a young man with forbidden magic abilities finds himself drawn into an ancient war against a dangerous enemy, beginning a coming-of-age epic that readers have a hard time putting down. For Busy Parents With Growing Littles: Ad Strategist Molly, a devoted mother, knows the joys and challenges of balancing a busy schedule. In the midst of her responsibilities, Molly finds joy in reading with her son Cole. Currently, their favorite book is Little Blue Truck, a delightful story that not only captivates Cole's imagination but also helps him learn animal sounds. For Faith Followers: Community Manager Kelsey is a skilled multitasker, both in her professional life and in her reading habits. True to form, she’s always reading multiple books at once (which may be another #redflag). While she typically gravitates towards self-help and entrepreneurship reads, she has been on a journey of exploring faith, which is reflected in her reading list. On her roster is Created to Dream, When Things Fall Apart, Unshakable: Standing Strong When Things Go Wrong, and On Marriage and Family Life: St. John Chrysostom. For Science Fiction Supporters: CEO Eric has been introduced to the captivating world of Ann Leckie's writing through his daughter Simone, a devoted fan. Simone brought him Ancillary Justice during a quick visit and assured him that he would be addicted to the series. This summer, he’s excited to explore this enthralling tale that follows a warship trapped in a human body on a quest for revenge. From post-apocalyptic fantasy and cozy mysteries to personal growth and transformative narratives, our team's summer reading recommendations provide valuable insights and inspiration. So grab a book, find a sunny spot, and embark on a journey of discovery with the team's diverse summer reading list! And if you want social media help from this group of literary tastemakers, you know where to get in touch. Kelsey Weaver is a creative community manager who takes pride in her expertise when crafting engaging and visually appealing content. With over five years of experience in the industry and an unmatched desire to help clients succeed, she’s a powerful part of our national team.

  • Rainbow with Respect: How to Tactfully Support Pride Month on Social Media

    By Amanda Dunlap, with contributions from the team Pride Month kicks off the summer season with joyful celebrations, bright colors, and messages of inclusivity and love. Unfortunately, this all too often leads to the disingenuous positioning of rainbow logos and thoughtless “love is love” posts from businesses on social media. When authenticity is missing from the picture for the sake of optics, the meaning behind the message is lost — and can even come across as cynical or exploitative. For businesses and brands seeking to show sincere allyship and support to the LGBTQIA+ community in the coming weeks and throughout the year, read on for ways to take tangible action or incorporate inclusive and respectful campaigns that go beyond the performative rainbow flag. Lean on Curated Content Curated content — the sharing of resources from trusted third-party online sources — is an effective way to promote relevant cultural topics without misreading the moment or appearing inauthentic if you’re unsure what to say. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel with not-so-inspirational quotes or a showy set of graphics. Instead, create space for others’ voices by promoting impactful events, charities, or other goings-on in your community that your audience might find relevant. Give Back Get your internal team involved and decide on a nonprofit or charity to donate to on behalf of your company. This can be done entirely with staff, or as a product-related incentive to encourage your audience to partake in the contribution. Pairing your posts with meaningful action takes your content from display to doing. Once an organization is chosen… commit! Be sure to carefully track funds and establish a clear deadline on when the donation will be made. Need some ideas? Here is a list of some online resources! Amplify Queer Voices Prioritizing and highlighting queer-owned or queer-focused organizations in your industry not only directly supports LGBTQIA+ community members in your area, but is another effective way to make space for those who have more to say during Pride Month. If you have a close personal relationship with the creator or org, reach out directly and find out what would be most impactful for them — whether it’s an active collaboration, a donation, or simply sharing their work and content for visibility. Photo credit: Kum & Go Instagram The quest for queer liberation has been a long and exhausting journey — and with the fight far from over, true allyship demands much more respect than rainbows and parades portrayed on social media for optics of inclusivity. Take the time to map out your Pride Month content to ensure genuine support of this community, with everything from historical context to the vital conversations happening in the news every day. A bonus beyond your solidarity and knowing you’re on the right side of history? If you strike the right authentic tone and prove that what you’re saying is more than just words, your commitment to justice will help you build credibility and social cachet with those whose respect your org needs most: your audience. Need assistance with your strategy? Contact us today and we’ll set up a discovery session to discuss how your org can thrive in Pride Month and beyond! Amanda Dunlap is our Director of Strategy and Relationships, who has an extensive background in copywriting — she likes to dust the rust off every now and then with posts for our blog. She loves “FoodTok,” astrology, and straddling the line between wellness junkie and McDonald’s enthusiast.

  • Five Reasons AI Won’t Be Replacing Your Creative Teams Anytime Soon

    By Alyssa Ermish Whether you work in the fast-paced marketing world or you’re just an average person trying to scroll through your favorite apps, conversations regarding AI seem inescapable right now — and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. When our children and grandchildren take their history courses, our current era will more than likely be regarded as a period of great instability. With political, economic, and social turmoil, the conditions are ripe for culturally significant change as many in C-suite positions try to find novel ways to cut costs and discover the next fresh trend that can both save money and drive better results. Unfortunately for us all, the current buzzword is AI. Much like Boston Dynamics’ Spot, instead of a fascinating and promising technology propelling us into a brighter future, it appears to be threatening to kick us off the cliffside to plummet towards a dystopian hellscape. Increasingly, the question on executives’ minds seems to be: “How many of our writers, graphic designers, and project managers can we replace with AI?” With that in mind, we know that we won’t be the first or the last ones to present an argument against a total reliance on AI — but from a community manager’s point of view, here are just a few of the reasons I think you shouldn’t (and can’t!) ditch your creative team members for artificial intelligence. 1. AI Doesn’t Know How to Be Funny Whether your content strategy relies on irreverence and humor or avoids it as much as possible, what memes and pop culture-reliant posts make abundantly clear is that AI chatbots and programs aren’t up to par. AI makes decisions and generates content based on large samples of prior work created by real people, never creating anything truly original. Of course, the same could potentially be said of humans, but an AI certainly can’t pinpoint timely pop culture moments as they happen and create a meme template on its own. AI lacks the context surrounding images to determine the emotions or references they hold. More importantly: Whether you’re working with AI-driven language processing tools or image creators, we are still the only thinking minds that can understand the nuance, timing, and culture that affects us. A generation’s absurdist humor driven by disillusionment, the cultural anxieties reflected in our art and comedy, and coping mechanisms like dark humor are all well beyond the reach of AI tools. Though these programs’ shotgun-like approach may inadvertently strike the right note with us from time-to-time, they’re far and few between and still more outlandish than they are relatable. 2. AI Just Isn’t Human Enough As I write this, please know that I am in fact prepared to fistfight my copyeditor over this statement: There is such a thing as “too perfect” and “too proper” in writing. Humans are sublimely flawed creatures visually, physically, logically, etc — and as much as we might strive to change that, we know well that over-perfection can quickly veer us into the uncanny valley. Whether we’re staring into the cold and unblinking eyes of robots like Hanson Robotics’ Sophia or reading the too-perfect, sometimes nonsensical, and overly superfluous writing that ChatGPT spits out, we’re quite good at spotting things that aren’t human in the right ways. With all that being said, don’t make the mistake of dismissing AI language tools entirely — ChatGPT can’t replace a good team of writers, but it can give them a list of buzzwords for inspiration, point to weak language, and introduce phrases that can boost click-through-rates. Writers still have a story that needs to be coherently arranged and edited — whether the final product includes a content strategy, ad campaign, rebranding, script, or book — and AI can sometimes help expedite that process. 3. AI Can’t Replace UGC or Creator Content As we like to remind our clients at, relatability is vital when conversions are on the table — and one of the best ways to find relatable and reliable content is through your audience. By sourcing from real people, you often get honest opinions — which helps build your brand’s reputation and makes your content and campaigns infinitely more clickable. According to Tint, 62% of consumers report that they are more likely to click on content like ads, websites, social posts, or emails when customer photos are featured. Additionally, consumer content has been seen to decrease ad cost-per-click by 50% and increase web conversions by 29%. Though AI image generators like DALL-E 2, Midjourney, and even Canva may be able to create flashy and surreal imagery for your brand that catches user attention, if it’s not utilized appropriately all it will create is more impressions without any significant ROI. The way we think about AI-created images in five years will likely be akin to how we view clickbait titles and graphics now — though it has its place and there are clearly compelling things we can learn by using it, it’s quickly going to wear out its welcome with audiences and lose its effectiveness for your brand even faster. 4. AI Can’t Provide Quality Customer Interactions Any of us who have ever had to interact with an chatbot or phone bot know how frustrating it is to solve a problem when no real person is readily accessible. It’s not just bad for your consumers, it’s bad for your business — and worse for your brand image. Sprout Social reported that in 2021, 37% of Gen X consumers, 60% of Millennials, and 58% of Gen Z consumers used social media for customer service. You may be able to rely on ChatGPT to help write content, and it can monitor your inboxes for time-sensitive messages and comments, but when it comes to an authentic reply, you’ll want a person to smooth things over. Sprout also found that when brands take too long to respond — or don’t respond at all — 36% of consumers will share their negative experience with friends and family, 31% won’t complete their purchase, and 30% will buy from a competitor instead. In just a short amount of time, that can add up to a major loss in revenue. 5. AI Is Lagging AI as it exists now relies on previous work from real people to create a database of information. From there it can make fairly accurate predictions on behavior — but if anything original or outside of that data collection is introduced, it’s not likely to know what to do next. Boiled down plain and simple? This means AI doesn’t have the ability to be agile and pivot strategically when algorithms, news cycles, company crises, and apps change over time. It also means that your marketing can unwittingly start to become repetitive and stale. What may have worked for another brand may not strike the right tone with your audience and can actually set your progress back — unfortunately, a computer program would have no way of knowing any of this. In short, there are just too many things that creative teams — like ours at — can do that programs can’t. Ultimately, the executives who understand that AI is an efficiency tool for their teams — as opposed to something that allows them to forsake their workforce altogether — are the ones who will find success as the digital marketing space continues to evolve. Whether you need in-depth analysis, culturally relevant meme posts, customer service and real-time monitoring, or a comprehensive influencer strategy, there’s just no true replacement for the real deal. Contact us for a free strategy session to see how your brand can utilize these strategies and come out on top during the recession without unnecessary layoffs. Alyssa Ermish is a community manager at with a passion for written language. Armed with her knowledge of the latest trends in the digital marketing space and her chameleon-like ability to match her writing to the tone your brand needs, she is the cross-stitching, sticker collecting, social media junky you didn’t even know you were looking for.

  • 8 Drinks I Think Everyone Should Try Based on My Coworkers’ Zodiac Signs

    By Pluto (as told to Alyssa Ermish) The summer season is upon us — and if you’re like me (an extremely online betta fish), that means you’re looking forward to rooftop bars and drinks on the deck from the comfort of your fish bowl. Though I characterize myself as a strictly social drinker (and a lightweight at around 2-3 ounces), I like my drinks to count. I’m not a “throw it back” kind of fish and prefer to sip my drink and try new things when I go out. All this is to say: If you’re at all like me and you’re looking for some new and intriguing drinks to try, these are the concoctions at the top of my list. Inspired by the crew’s zodiac signs and personalities, I’m sure that all aquatic and human readers alike will find something to enjoy! Paige | Gemini Bartender’s Choice: Death in the Afternoon As a Gemini with a Capricorn moon and a Libra rising sign, the perfect drink for our in-house graphic designer has to be the Death in the Afternoon cocktail. Despite the intimidating name, this simple cocktail includes only absinthe and champagne — the perfect blend of mystery, class, and creativity! It’s a drink that won’t quite reveal all of its cards at once, making it feel a little bit new and surprising every time. Tristen | Virgo Bartender’s Choice: The Classic Negroni Community Manager Tristen is a Virgo through and through — organized, neat, and driven — but their Cancer moon means their personality is packed with empathy and emotion. It makes them a magnetic person in every room, so it only makes sense to pair them with a classic negroni. This libation is a standard in nearly every bar worth mentioning. Though this mix of gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth can seem simple and straightforward to prepare, it takes the subtle hand of a master mixologist to truly make it shine. At the end of the day, a negroni isn’t trying hard to impress you… but it will anyway. Eric | Libra Bartender’s Choice: The Hugo Spritz WF CEO Eric exudes all things Libra. He’s charming and full of fun in a way that’s never disingenuous or overwhelming, and his Leo rising sign means he also backs all of that essence up with confidence and sophistication. The Hugo Spritz — made with elderflower liqueur — can at first glance seem like an unapproachable drink. But one sip of this sweet, bubbly, and whimsical-but-elegant cocktail will have you convinced. It’s a wonderfully refreshing cocktail worthy of both fancy parties and hot summer days on your patio. Alyssa | Scorpio Bartender’s Choice: Jager Float Pluto might have a type… and it’s probably Scorpios. We have three Scorpios on our team, but don’t make the mistake of thinking they’re all the same. With a Scorpio sun and Capricorn rising sign, Community Manager Alyssa can externally appear to be A LOT. But her Aries moon means she is sweet and soft on the inside of that very spiny exterior! She’s a driven person with a lot of passion and a “cut the BS” attitude that’s not for everyone — so it makes sense to pair her with a drink that includes the spicy digestif Jagermeister. However, we can’t forget the sweetness under all of that kick and spice: hence the Jager Float Cocktail! Katie | Scorpio Bartender’s Choice: Fireball Sangria Like Alyssa, our Director of Operations comes with a little bit of spice — there’s rarely a chance you’ll meet a Scorpio without it! She too is a Capricorn rising, although her Gemini moon tempers this. Her moon gives her some air sign levity and fun, but this also means her mood can be easily shifted. Instead of the put-some-hair-on-your-chest burn of Jager, the spice of Fireball matches Katie’s Scorpio vibe. Fireball sangria means you still get that cinnamon heat, although it can be quite refreshing in a fruity sangria on a sunny day. Just like Katie, the cinnamon doesn’t take away from this classic drink — it’s what makes us love it more! Molly | Scorpio Bartender’s Choice: Long Island Iced Tea Mocktail With a Libra rising sign and a Capricorn moon, Ad Strategist Molly can be a tough nut to crack. She tends to play it close to the chest and to keep her Scorpio emotions and ambitions to herself. To someone on the outside, they might think she is someone who could be easily manipulated or pushed around — but they would be very, very wrong. I chose the mocktail Long Island Iced Tea for Molly because it can be a powerful drink for anyone who doesn’t know what they’re getting themselves into. Sweet and easy to drink, this is one mocktail you’ll want to take seriously. Zach | Aquarius Bartender’s Choice: The Manhattan Zach’s Aquarius sun, Leo rising, and Scorpio moon mean he was cool before it was cool to be cool — and just like the classic Manhattan, he’ll be cool even when the times change. Not concerned with trends, Zach is a person who is just doing his thing. If it happens to be whatever’s in style, that’s just fine with this aloof guy. This isn’t to say he’s a person without taste — in fact, it’s the opposite. Our Managing Editor has been defining his palate and knowledge in a way that makes him the antithesis of the dreaded hipster character trope. Zach is intelligent, clever, and a thinker who’s not without empathy. In summary: Look for the guy with a Manhattan in his hand and you’ll find the most interesting person in the room. Amanda | Pisces Bartender’s Choice: Beyonce’s Lemonade Our team has no shortage of individuals who have a lot going on underneath the surface, and Amanda is one of the finest. Her Pisces sun (a fish, just like me) and Gemini rising sign mean people can take her fun and kind personality as indication that she has her head in the clouds. But the reality is that her Aries moon makes her a dynamic and outgoing individual with endless drive. Beyonce’s Lemonade fits our Director of Strategy and Relationships perfectly: While someone else is over there drinking their IPA or dry martini and scoffing at this fruity drink, other people in the room know it packs a punch. So what if it’s cute? So what if it’s sweet? This cocktail proves you can have fun, look hot, and get the job done better than all the weak yeast-water-drinking naysayers who dared to underestimate you. Want a reco for your summer cocktail of choice? Reach out and I’ll give it a… shot. Pluto is a betta fish originally hailing from a LoHi pet store where they received their F.S.H degree with honors. Over the last 15+ years, our “office fish” has absorbed much wisdom about social media strategy (by osmosis). Pluto likes eating fish pellets, listening to Reel Big Fish, and flopping around on the beach. Alyssa Ermish is a community manager at with a passion for written language. Armed with her knowledge of the latest trends in the digital marketing space and her chameleon-like ability to match her writing to the tone your brand needs, she is the cross-stitching, sticker collecting, social media junky you didn’t even know you were looking for.

  • How to Make the Most of Real-Time Marketing (Without Offending Your Audience)

    By: Brian Foley Marketing has changed a lot over the recent past, though a new study shows that client concerns are forever bound to basic principles like generating traffic and creating content that resonates with their audience. Fundamentals always make for good practice, but how we achieve our clients’ goals are ever-changing in new and exciting ways. If you want to make an impact today, best practices suggest that brands use real-time data to create a personalized and interactive customer experience — known… and this is creative… as “real-time marketing.” Despite its effectiveness in the modern marketplace, others report that nearly 30% of brands haven’t engaged in any kind of real-time marketing whatsoever. This is a missed opportunity, as it is one of the best ways to achieve customer needs with smart content that drives genuine clicks based on true interest and connection. Also, it’s very fun for marketing teams. Real-time marketing means crafting relevant messaging on social channels by listening to and getting ahead of customer needs. It’s effective because it allows marketing professionals to react quickly to the latest news, trends, and feedback to help shape their customers’ experience (rather than content that savvy users can instantly tell feels stale, inflexible, and pre-planned). In an increasingly online world, knowing how to react towards a brand’s chosen public can feel like playing three-dimensional chess — but with preparation, research, and agility, marketing professionals can quickly jump on any pertinent opportunity to create a true marketing event for a client. You just gotta be careful, because snappy content can easily go sideways. When Samsung’s famous-for-always-undercutting-customer-expectations competitor announced that they’d be doing away with automatically-included phone chargers, the company promptly responded with an ad featuring a charger that was “included with your Galaxy.” While some might consider this strategy akin to trolling, this kind of edge is what real-time marketing does best. By identifying stakeholders and reacting quickly, Samsung was able to capitalize on customer social media blowback with a flash campaign, demonstrate awareness of a conversation taking place at that moment by their target audience, and act quickly to offer a solution that their brand fulfills (while being entertaining, to boot). When you plant your flag over an issue you know your customers value, you’ll find that they take your side more often than not. As most real-time marketing campaigns are unplanned, cleverness and creativity are often what sets them apart. In 2022, a massive dust storm swirled over Spain, with citizens waking up to their cars wholly caked in a layer of grit. KFC was quick to jump on this opportunity, sending out a tweet that offered free chicken to anyone in Spain who showed proof of drawing the KFC logo in the dusty windows of their car. The campaign resulted in more than 1,000 customers across Spain taking part and going to their nearest KFC restaurant to claim their reward (more than 2,000 orders in total). More importantly, the tweet campaign drove more than 9.5 million impressions and 740,350 interactions on Twitter in just the first 48 hours. By turning a low-risk event into a creative marketing opportunity, KFC created the perfect storm for a real-time marketing campaign that garnered immediate results. It may have taken 15 years, but KFC appears to have learned from comedian Patton Oswalt's iconic bit about their "failure pile in a sadness bowl": If you treat your customers like the adults they are and create a sense of fun to get them excited in the moment, you’ll reap the rewards. However — just as the rewards for real-time marketing can be swift, failure to “read the room” can often have serious consequences. When Pepsi premiered its now-infamous ad featuring Kendall Jenner in 2017, the 21-year-old model and reality star was depicted as participating in a protest meant to mirror the Black Lives Matter movement that had captured the country’s attention. As tensions in the crowd rise, Jenner moves to the head of the pack and deters a riot by handing a police officer a can of soda. Yiiiiiiiiikes. The ad received immediate global backlash for being tone-deaf, and the company was forced to issue an apology. Most concerning to the C-suite? This fiasco had disastrous effects on Pepsi’s bottom line, leading to a loss of 4% of yearly revenue as a result. Pepsi’s failure should serve as a lesson to companies that successful real-time marketing requires investing in balanced and measured research along with a quick wit. When a company decides to make an actual effort in anticipating stakeholder needs and concerns, they can turn to marketing professionals to steer them in the right direction — or, you know, help ensure that they don’t post anything actively offensive. In our oversaturated online world, adopting a playful, responsive real-time marketing strategy allows brands to embed themselves into the lives, interests, and desires of their customers. While it’s not always easy to know how the future will play out, best practices suggest that companies should trust in the professionals — like, as a random example — to activate customer passions and energy with strategy and attention. Want to chat about how RTM could benefit your org? Get in touch with us today! Copywriter Brian Foley is a former college professor turned freelance content writer who spends his days in the company of his two true loves: books and records. When he's not wrapped up between the pages of a minor poet or scouring Chicago for rare vinyl, you can find him applying his unique love of research into his writing.

  • Everyone’s Got Something To Say: Managing comments on social media

    By Zach Yanowitz Picture this: You’re running a social media campaign, either for your own company or for a client, and things are going swimmingly so far. The copy is sharp and concise, the CTA is engaging, the visual asset was thoughtfully-designed. You’re getting plenty of likes, reposts, and qualified comments, so you decide to put a little money behind the post to boost it to a larger audience. This brings increased engagement — something we all like to see! — but some of that engagement seems irrelevant, unqualified, spammy, negative, or even offensive. What to do next? Read on for three suggestions to help you determine the best course of action. Get Your Priorities In Line What are the most important KPIs to you and/or your client? If the goals of the campaign are tied to engagement — any engagement, even unqualified — then you may want to just delete the actively offensive comments and move on. If it’s important to have qualified engagement, parse through the comments and make that evaluation on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes a heart emoji means the audience is genuinely interacting with content they love, sometimes it’s a spam comment of little substance. Remember: Even seemingly-unqualified engagement can raise the overall profile of a piece of content, organically growing its audience and putting it in front of the eyes of people who it can impact! Recognize Robots As a social media pro, you’ve probably become pretty proficient at determining the differences between real internet users and bots. Is a comment irrelevant on a topical level, promoting their own page or services, or advertising a giveaway? Is it written in a stilted and unnatural voice with strange punctuation or misuse of cApitaL leTTers? Even if it's following Asimov's Three Laws, you may have a robot on your hands — and it’s probably a good idea to hide or delete the comment. It is, however, important to remember that real, qualified audiences are also watching the way you interact with users on your feed. What you may initially determine is a spambot comment could actually be a real audience member writing outside their native tongue, so take a few seconds and click through to the commenter’s profile to see whether or not it seems like a genuine person. Engage With Your Audience On Their Level While we’re already talking about checking out commenter profiles, it’s so important to know your audience when monitoring account notifications — especially when responding can do so much to build brand awareness and connect with users. Somebody leaving a negative comment on a post from a tech company is probably just frustrated and looking for troubleshooting help. Don’t just hide their comment because it may shine a harsh light on the brand: Acknowledge their concerns to de-escalate the frustration, move them to private messaging if possible, and connect them with helpful resources — you may gain a genuinely grateful long-term customer who appreciates customer service! Of course, these are situations that have to be handled on a case-by-case basis.When a nonprofit client I worked with was promoting a scholarship to high school students, I realized that the energy behind snarky comments from qualified applicants could actually be attributed to bored teenagers killing time on their phone more than any tangible concerns. When I engaged with them and showed that we were paying attention, the commenters realized the organization was made up of actual people sharing a valuable service rather than a random brand popping up in their feed! Whatever your brand may be and whatever audience you may be targeting, navigating the complicated world of social media literacy can be tough with limited time and resources to devote to these complex platforms and dynamics. Lucky for you, the team at knows exactly what we’re doing — reach out today and start strategically developing your brand’s online presence to reach new audiences, tame the trolls, and boost revenue. Managing Editor Zach Yanowitz likes posting, editing, and saying “ball is life.”

  • Summer Delights - June event best bets in Denver

    By Katie Seiffertt & Jenny Ivy As the butterfly emerges from its cocoon, so too do we emerge from our homes and learn to spread our wings in the new normal. Museums and galleries are beginning to open and welcome people to safely walk their exhibits and admire works of art that haven’t been able to shine. Concert halls, stadiums, and other venues are waiting for guests to be delighted by the music and the sweet crack of the bat. Denver is ready for people to return to trail restaurants, museums, and shops! Wake up! It’s June and you can find so much to do! Changing Landscape Colorado Photographic Arts Center This caught our attention as it seems to fit thematically with the idea of things around us changing. This exhibit features three photographers who each take a different approach to capture the environmental shifts in three different locations around the world. Through their lenses we can see the connection between humans and nature — and may even learn what our future could look like. Juneteenth Music Festival Five Points June 18 to June 20 Juneteenth is a celebration marking the day that news of the Emancipation Proclamation made its way to Texas in 1865. Denver City Council has finally decided to make Juneteenth a commemorative holiday and we’re thankful to be able to safely gather and celebrate this important day in history! In addition to a parade on June 19, event-goers have a range of activities to enjoy, from delicious food and live music to a two-day street festival and a drag show. Vivaldi By Candlelight The Hangar at Stanley Marketplace Tuesdays from May 25 to June 29 $45 - $55/person - 18 and older Music is important to so many of us — naturally, each member of the WF team has their go-to tunes while working away the hours. We are all looking forward to a variety of concert options this summer! For me, this Vivaldi evening would be a nice escape out sans children. This event will feature calm music to soothe the lingering anxiety from a long year of quarantine — of course, the bar would help with that as well. Denver Farmers’ Markets Summer means farmers’ markets as far as the eye can see! You probably have one close to your neck of the woods, but you can always go exploring to discover new vendors and foodstuffs. Peruse the list provided by Denver The Mile High City and set up a wonderful summer rotation! Virtual Exhibits Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art If you’re still a bit hesitant to spread those newly-rediscovered wings, never fear! Thanks to Kirkland Museum, you can find online adventures aplenty to embark upon from the comfort of your home. Find out the favorite art pieces of the museum staff, take a virtual tour, or learn about the printing process. Denver Pride From strutting in a 5K to a pool party and a Shabbat dinner, Denver hosts plenty of opportunities for the proud and diverse local LGBTQ+ community to celebrate Pride Month. As we enter a more hopeful era in 2021 with many people getting vaccinated, look for Pride Hubs offering in-person options for those who wish to gather physically to celebrate Denver Pride — locations range from the trendy SIE Film Center to the iconic restaurant Hamburger Mary’s. May We Recommend As a longtime LoHi local, WF CEO Eric loves to eat and drink his way through the neighborhood. This month, he recommends: Dimestore DeliBar 1575 Boulder St, Denver (Just a couple doors down from the former World HQ) Favorite Dish: “Everything is just so delicious, but I’m a particular fan of their lamb kebab bowl, which is one of the most balanced and tasty dishes in Denver. But definitely try their “dimeroll” sandwiches (which are hearty panini rollups) or their messy, melty cheeseburger. The cocktails are special, too.” Atmosphere: “A totally inviting rooftop, a street-level patio that puts you right in the action, and a well-designed indoor dining room mean that you’ll be happy no matter where you sit. Tell them Eric sent you.” Did we miss anything important, quirky, or interesting? Please drop us a line. Sending everyone happy summer vibes. Enjoy your June adventures and check back next month to get your fill of July fun! When Operations Manager and Team Mom Katie isn’t managing her family of six or nurturing her work family with check-ins, treats, and zoom hugs, she’s most likely lost in another art or house project while listening to one of her top-five binge shows as background noise to drown out little voices calling her name. Even when she isn’t writing, Content Writer Jenny still can’t manage to get away from her computer. In her free time, she develops beautiful websites and loves all things tech. She is a native Coloradan and also has a passion for the mountains, movies, and her cat Lucy.

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